Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Villa Montessori Preschool Leesburg Holds Successful Family Fall Harvest Celebration

Villa Montessori Preschool, based in Leesburg, Virginia, is pleased to report that their Family Fall Harvest Celebration was received extremely well by the families and members of the local community. Such events are a great way for parents to explore the facilities at Villa Montessori and learn how the school’s charges are educated in their safe and nurturing environment.

Ms. Kimberly, speaking on behalf of Villa Montessori Preschool Leesburg, stated that, “Celebrating school life with families and our community is a great way to show that our high quality programs help children get the right educational foundation as early as possible. We offer Toddler and Primary classes as well as full-day Kindergarten."

Villa Montessori Preschool Leesburg serves as a daycare provider, following a daily schedule that includes an integrated Montessori and Reggio curriculum guided by each child’s individual interests. At the recent event, teachers and staff were on hand to answer questions about their unconventional approach, one that notably inspires children and parents alike. Through their website,, those interested in learning more can explore the difference the school makes in the lives of the families who attend the school as well as their community as a whole.

The Family Fall Harvest Celebration is one of a number of events that are open to the public throughout the year. All their open events are child and family friendly, and a great way to find out more about the programs they offer—which include Montessori, full-day Kindergarten, Reggio, and Connect. While Montessori and Reggio are fairly well known educational philosophies around the world, Connect is not as widely understood.

Connect is a new concept that blends these two philosophies, and it is designed to better connect a child to their peers, parents, family, and surroundings. Together, Montessori and Reggio create S.T.E.A.M, which stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math.

Those who wish to attend any of the upcoming open days are invited to follow the school through their Facebook page and events at Recent posts show their students preparing a dessert for the Fall Festival, and learning through a host of other fun activities.

Parent Lainey Hashimi-Clark gave the school top marks in her Google review recently. In it, she said, “We loved having our daughter at Villa Montessori! It was very important to my husband and I that she went to an accredited Montessori institution. She started at Villa when she was 19 months (when the school opened), and with her being my first (and only) child, I was a nervous wreck leaving her that first day of school! The entire Villa family made me feel so comfortable and were amazing with her, I knew we were in the right place.”

Hashimi-Clark continues, “She moved up to the two year old class and eventually to the three to five year olds. We were so pleased with how much she was learning to get her ready for kindergarten and also the everyday life skills she acquired. Villa Montessori also made sure to teach her the importance of community, whether it be locally or across the sea. We love the Villa family and are forever grateful for them playing such an important role in our daughter’s life.”

Similarly, Meghan B. said, “As a developmental specialist, I see students in various private preschools in Loudoun County. Villa Montessori in Leesburg is fantastic. Whenever I visit, the students are busy learning and having fun. My interactions with the staff have been wonderful. I definitely recommend checking them out!”

Parents can rest assured that their child is treated as an individual, with their own ideas, expressions, and opinions. Their Preschool Toddler classrooms provide outlets that represent the child’s many “languages,” allowing them to communicate and learn through drawing, painting, sculpture, shadow play, dramatic play, scientific observations, gardening, and music. Through their Primary class of 3-6 year olds, the school strives to ensure that their charges learn best through their own experiences.

Parents interested in enrolling their children in the school for a high quality daycare or preschool education may contact Ms. Kimberly, Director of Villa Montessori Preschool Leesburg directly. Those who wish to find out more about Villa Montessori Preschool Leesburg programs, their admissions process, and their open houses and experience days may visit the school’s website to read further. More information is also available here:

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